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Badgers Mount Parish Council

Plan 2040 – a new Local Plan for Sevenoaks District - Regulation 18 Consultation

16th November 2022

Plan 2040 – a new Local Plan for Sevenoaks District - Regulation 18 Consultation

Sevenoaks District Council is preparing a new Local Plan for Sevenoaks District. Plan 2040 is centred around the three overarching themes of Health and Wellbeing, Net Zero and Delivering Design Excellence. The Development Strategy focuses on making the best and most efficient use of land in our existing settlements and, at this stage, they are not considering any Green Belt release.

Sevenoaks District Council’s new Local Plan will manage what can be built and where up to 2040.

In order to protect the District’s much cherished Green Belt, the Plan focuses growth in existing towns, promoting the most efficient use of land and the reuse of Brownfield sites.

It includes proposals for new homes, protecting business space and supporting the District’s high streets as well as new facilities such as schools, health centres and transport. Crucially it aims to protect the District’s character and environment.

The Council has organised ‘drop in’ sessions where members of the public can discuss the consultation document with officers from the Council’s Strategic Planning team:

  • Wednesday 30 November 2022, 2.30-5pm and 5.30-8pm (Edenbridge Leisure Centre, Stangrove Park, Edenbridge, TN8 5LU)

  • Tuesday 6 December 2022, 2.30-5pm and 5.30-8pm (Sevenoaks District Council Offices, Argyle Road, Sevenoaks, TN13 1HG)

  • Thursday 8 December 2022, 2.30-5pm and 5.30-8pm (The Alexandra Suite, St Mary’s Road, Swanley, BR8 7BU)

  • Wednesday 4 January 2022, 2.30-5pm and 5.30-8pm (Online Zoom Drop in Session)

How to respond

The Regulation 18 consultation period commences on Wednesday 16 November 2022 and will run for 8 weeks, concluding at 11.59pm on Wednesday 11 January 2023.

We have two routes to respond:

· A short survey contains a focused selection of key questions.

· A full survey covers every policy area in the plan.

It is up to you which survey you complete and, in both, you can answer as many or as few questions as you would like to.

You can view and comment on the Plan 2040 document at www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/plan2040, where you will also find a consultation video and a downloadable version of the Plan 2040 Summary pamphlet.

The Badgers Mount Parish Council will be formally responding to this Consultation. If you would like your views/ideas to be incorporated in this response, please email badgersmountclerk@gmail.com

If any resident would like paper copies of the consultation questionnaire, please let the Clerk know.

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Saturday Freighter Service
9th November 2024, 10:00 - 10:30

Saturday Freighter Service
8th March 2025, 10:00 - 10:30

Parish Office:

Montclare, Orpington Bypass, Badgers Mount, Sevenoaks, Kent TN14 7AG

Telephone: 07988610720
